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Summer heatwaves threatening health of up to 3 million older people

Our research shows that older people living in properties between 45 and 80 years old are most likely to experience the worst effects of heatwaves.

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Action today for all our tomorrows

The Centre for Ageing Better is tackling inequalities in ageing. We are working to make our workplaces, homes and communities inclusive of older people, as well as building an Age-friendly Movement so that society sees ageing in a more positive and realistic way.

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The State of Ageing is the most detailed and up-to-date report about ageing in England. Hover over the different chapter sections and central logo to find out more.
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The Good Practice Mentors offer support to organisations who are working with older people to help reduce instances of loneliness and social isolation.
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Less than three weeks after winning the election, the Labour government had announced a new pensions review, promising that it would look, among other things, at ‘retirement adequacy’.
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An employment tribunal has granted a multi-million award to a senior executive dismissed by a firm that had a policy of only hiring people under the age of 45.
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Poor-quality housing can have a negative impact on us as we grow older, and more of us are affected by this complex problem due to an increasingly ageing population.
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No one should have to live in a home that damages their health, yet it is the norm for far too many people in England today. We’re leading a national campaign to fix unsafe homes.
Preview Age-positive images

Photos in the image library, which depict older people in non-stereotypical ways, are available to download for free.

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We discussed whether the Budget really will deliver more employment for people in their 50s and 60s.
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This webinar explained how you can capture photos that show the diversity of older people in realistic and authentic ways.

Stories and Case Studies

Ensuring more older workers see a future in hospitality key to sector’s future success

Preview Pint being poured

East Riding of Yorkshire Council – a modern workforce in a modern workplace

Darren Stevens is Executive Director of Corporate Resources at East Riding of Yorkshire Council. He outlines the work that East Riding of Yorkshire Council is doing to become an Age-friendly Employer.

Preview Office break room

Age-friendliness as a part of professionalism

Show you recognise the value of older workers by signing up to our Age-friendly Employer Pledge.

Preview Two older people sitting down and chatting
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Latest research from others

Agapitos, M., et al., European Journal of Ageing
The study examines long-term experiences of older caregivers and their depressive symptoms.
Fadeeva A., et al., Journal of Affective Disorders
This study estimates past-year violence victimisation in older people.
Foster, D. House of Commons Library
This report summarises the UK government's plans to introduce an £86,000 cap on lifetime personal care costs in England.

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